সরাসরি প্রধান সামগ্রীতে চলে যান


ডিসেম্বর ১৬, ২০২২ থেকে পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে


One day a wood-cutter was cutting wood beside a river. As ill luck would have it, his axe slipped from his hands and dropped into the river below. The poor wood-cutter became terribly unhappy and started crying bitterly. At this, the River-God felt pity for him. He appeared before him with a golden axe and said, "Is it yours? The honest wood-cutter replied, "No Sir, it is not mine." Then the god brought a Silver axe and said, Is it yours? He again replied, "No, it's not mine, Sir." At last, he brought the steel axe that the wood-cutter had lost and said to him, "Is it yours?" Then he gladly answered, Yes Sir, this is mine." The River-God became pleased at his honesty and gave him all the three axes. Then he disappeared. Moral : Honesty is richly rewarded.

Suppose you are the secretary of the health club ofyour college. Now write a notice requesting to the studentsof your college to keep environment healthy and to maintaincleanliness to make 'Swachh Bharat Mission' a great succesS.

                   Malda College                           NOTICE            (Swachh Bharat Mission)                                              Date: 01.06.2022 All the students are hereby notified that our college will start the Swachh Bharat Mission' from 10 June, 2022. The students must maintain cleanliness in their college, nearby locality of their college and respective home. They will be provided with brush, phenyl, and bleaching powder by the college authority to maintain cleanliness. Also they will have to spread awareness among the people of the nearby locality. All the teachers will guide the students. The students have to spend two hours every day in this programme. Good performers will be rewarded. For further details...


Trees are the first inhabitant of the earth. They are true and best friend of man from immemorial time. The relation between man and tree is very deep. Trees give out oxygen and take Carbon- di-oxide. They help us in many ways. They give us food, furniture fruit, medicine, cloth. Rain is brought by them. They prevent flood, soil erosion and draught. So we should stop deforestation rather We need grow more and more trees to save ourselves from the unknown natural Catastrophe. (82 words) The government must deal firmly with greedy culprits who fell trees indiscriminately for money. Anyway, general awareness among people can solve the problem. We can finish the importance of trees in the proverb Planting a tree is better than having nine sons